Jupiter Power is seeking to develop the Voyager Battery Energy Storage Facility in Saline Township, Michigan, to help address the state’s electrical grid challenges. Michigan is currently facing an energy capacity shortfall, meaning the state is not projected to have enough energy supply to meet demand. The Voyager Battery Energy Storage Facility will help address this mismatch by providing an excess source of dispatchable energy during times of need.
The proposed development site is a just over 5 acres portion of a 54-acre vacant property located on the north side of W Michigan Avenue between Schill Road and Dell Road in Saline Township. This site was chosen as it is near existing grid infrastructure.
Jupiter Power's proposed project will only take up a small portion of land within the township and will include vegetative screening to help preserve natural viewsheds for rural residences, all while offering considerable tax benefits to your local community.
For more information, please see our
Community Benefits Document.